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The Bennington Lens

CAMPO officer Jennifer Williams: Staff spotlight

Life is an unfolding adventure for daytime Campus Safety Officer Jennifer Williams. She wakes up every morning excited to meet people and wondering, “What are…

Extra, Extra, Read All About It

Any large event on campus, like the upcoming Student Government Townhall, has and will continue to be advertised to the community through the current publications of these varieties.

The Diary of a Young Kashmiri Boy

The photos associated with this piece are a part of a Pulitzer prize-winning series that can be found here. In the photo above, a deserted…

To B-ton or not to B-ton: Here are my questions…

Bennington is going through a transition of power of its own, and we should have the same concerns with our little school as we do with greater societal transformation. As we question systems of power and fight for the wellbeing of the population, I fear that the governing and the governed become anonymous conglomerates of their various actions and roles, instead of individuals.

Purple Carrot Farm: Club Spotlight

The Purple Carrot Farm has a rich history defined by various ambitions, objectives, and involvement opportunities throughout its life at Bennington College. While it is one…

Faculty Spotlight: Charles Schoonmaker

“The shit was hitting the fan at Brandeis University,” recalls Costume Design faculty Charles Schoonmaker regarding his path to Bennington. He had been teaching graduate…

Visual Art: breath

Tom is a freshman from Wales in the UK with a passion for making the subject and discussion of mental health more accessible to the…

By First-Years, For First-Years

Within the throngs of a COVID-era society, the social gap between individuals is greater than ever. We find ourselves locked in solitude, caught in a…
