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Sev and Sophie’s Dream Analysis (The Void)

We’re not professionals. This is just chat.

Theme: The Void

I find myself at the start of the dream sitting in a grand Victorian cathedral, dark and dusty and silent. Everything I see has a blue Twilight movie tint to it. I’m sitting in the middle of a pew a couple rows from the front and somehow I know I am sitting in a funeral. I’m alone and there’s not a soul nearby, I check to see if I can sense anyone’s energy nearby and I sense no one. There’s an open casket at the front by an ornate podium like someone should be standing there. There’s no one in the casket either. […] I get up and walk down the aisle out the very tall doors at the back of the room. The whole back walls of the room are clear glass windows. I can see cloudy and gray skies, no rain, but suggestions of it. I get outside and all around me is forest. Trees and Trees surround the chapel, old dark and tall ones. There’s an empty parking lot outside the chapel and an empty four lane road that resides right next to the chapel. I get into the only car in the parking lot. It’s not a car I’ve ever driven or been in before but it’s my car. It [looked like] an old 1980-1990 Toyota Land Cruiser [… with misty windows and the key sitting in the ignition]. I start the car and [drive] out of the parking lot and onto the road in a direction I believe to be South. I’m driving a normal speed for an empty highway in the middle of nowhere and I am zoning out like I do when I drive on straight roads for a long period of time. Suddenly all of the trees start to blur together, a sidewalk starts to form and I start to see houses in the trees out of the corner of my eyes and everything starts to look a little more familiar. Before I know it I am driving down my main street back home, the one I would drive on almost everyday to get to my house. And then, very quickly and for a fast flash of a moment I see a very bright blue light graze past my eye line to the right of me. I didn’t stop the car, but the light seemed to be drawing me to it. I flip a U turn and turn the car around to start driving the other direction in search of it. I find it, drive up over the sidewalk a little bit more into the opening in the trees in which I saw the light. It’s still there. But now I see it’s coming from underneath a house. Still surrounding everything is forest, and it’s starting to get darker outside. I get out of the car, leaving it running, and start walking towards it. Immediately I can feel a dark and heavy presence and a pressure on my shoulders and head. I start to breathe heavily and I can tell I can feel the energy of this house and the light. The house is the most rundown house you could imagine. Rotting and mossy wood with no color, overgrown plants, boarded up windows, the door is off its hinges, a caved in roof, and a sloping porch in the front of it. Under this porch I see is a hole, a cave if you will, big enough for someone not too much taller than me could simply slide down and walk into. Coming from this hole is the blinding bright blue light. It seemed to be calling to me. When I felt I had come close enough I stopped. I couldn’t blink. I couldn’t breathe. The energy emanating from this light was the most terrifying energy I have ever encountered. It made my stomach sink and it made me freeze in fear. I couldn’t move. I will never forget how real and dark the energy of this light felt. Everything fell silent. It was deafening. I dared not move any closer. The light started to get brighter and brighter till it filled my vision. 

Pared down, this dream is about driving through deserted scenery. Energy takes a starring role in this dream – energy that is lost, found, missing, attracted and repelled. It’s interesting that the “Twilight movie” tint and the sinister light at the end are both blue; the color blue could represent a coolness, an emotional distance or melancholy – or could be evoking a specific mood that the dreamer associates with this larger theme of being attracted to menacing, eerie energies. Another key component to this dream – absence of other people. Even the funeral casket is empty, making the attraction to the only other (seemingly) autonomous character, the light, more pointed. And finally, the specifics of this dream are what determine its function to the dreamer – the make and model of the car, the road which gradually transforms into a familiar street from childhood, the architecture of the buildings they encounter, and even the four lane road leading away from the church. Ultimately, this nightmarish sequence seems like a grapple with loneliness, absence, and gravitation towards something forbidden or obviously frightening. This dream indicates the dreamer has a powerful inner world, and their decision-making is influenced by their feelings and emotions.

When I was 15 I dreamt I was at a natural history museum with my family, in the dream I was like 8-10 y/o. I walked through the doors into this one exhibit and it was just a small balcony overlooking an infinitely large darkness. My family joined me on the balcony, and I realized the endless darkness was actually the dark body of an incomprehensibly large fish, floating in the void. Its humongous eye opened and turned towards me and stared into my soul, as the weight of all of us on this flimsy balcony became too much and we started falling towards the fish, into the void. My family did not seem to see the fish. Then the dream ended.

This reminds us of a dream sequence in Rango quite similar to this one – a massive windup fish with a cyclopean stare. Interesting that the dreamer was 15 when they had this dream, and that their dream self was even younger: could this suggest the dreamer was reminded of something traumatic or upsetting which happened to their younger self, perhaps an event they wish they could have prepared for? Or, could the massive body of the fish going unnoticed by the rest of the dreamer’s family indicate the dreamer feeling as though they are not being fully seen or understood by those close to them? Another interpretation would be to approach this as a stress dream – of being faced with the stress of the future, the “void” in this instance being a literal oblivion, the unknown of what is to come. If we were to take a literary approach to this dream, just for fun: the fish could function as a religious symbol of Christianity, perhaps indicating a spiritual reckoning.

I dreamed last night that my whole room was full of these giant black centipedes, they were all over the floor and in my bed under the covers and I had to step on them but my shoes kept falling off, and every time I killed all of them I would turn around and there were more. 

Seems like a classic anxiety dream. Still, with brief dreams like this one, the best way for us to analyze is by isolating specific words the dreamer uses to communicate the mood of their dream. Admittedly, we had to do a bit of research for this one: according to a few online sources, centipedes in dreams could symbolize overcoming challenges despite dire circumstances – however, this dream concedes the opposite. We’re sensing frustration, anxiety – the dreamer is stuck with this disturbing, sisyphean task in an environment which should otherwise be considered a safe space. Still, some key details are missing from this description which could help to enhance our analysis: what bedroom was this? A childhood bedroom, the dreamer’s current bedroom, a room the dreamer knew was their bedroom but didn’t recognize? Also, the detail that these giant bugs are “centipedes” is interesting, as millipedes are more typically black while centipedes are usually brown with yellow legs. So, could more personal analysis by the dreamer on the word “centipede” reveal this dream’s authentic inner truth? 

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