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weekly advice column brought to you

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Dear Angie,

The seasonal depression is already coming on.

  • Dreading December

Dear Dreading December,

That was more of a statement than a question. Drink more water. Go for a walk. Get sunlight. Re-read The Secret History or something.

Dear Angie,

How can I keep bugs out of my room?

  • Seriously Skittish

Dear Seriously Skittish,

Next time start with Google, and when that doesn’t work, drop us a line. But since you’re here, tape over the holes in your screen and close the window. Sometimes a polite escort out the door works as well. The Lens does not encourage violence against any species.

Dear Angie,

I’m only a sophomore but I’m already burnt out. How am I supposed to get through the next three years without dying of boredom?

  • Sick and Tired

Dear Sick and Tired,

This sounds like a classic case of early-onset senioritis. I have quite a bit of experience in this department, as I began to experience senioritis a week or so into my first term. Bennington suspends all notions of time. I’m assuming you’re in your third term, which means you’re writing your first true Plan essay. That might make the road ahead seem never-ending. It is and it isn’t. You might look around and think you’ve seen it all, you get it, you know every face you see in DHall. When you’re living in a bubble for four years you can space out and get caught in a routine. Monotony is inevitable, but if you can make small changes to the routine every term, it helps, plus you end up being able to recall eight subtly distinct versions of your own mind just by reactivating the routine from that term. Start walking a different route to class. Enter the building through a different door. Move your regular spot in the library. Wear a new perfume, but only buy a sample bottle, so you run out by the time the term ends and get to choose a new one. Above all, just remember: Einstein was wrong about everything. Time flies, even when you’re not having fun. You just might not realize it did until it’s over.

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